took the coach up to Genting, Malaysia for my company D&D!
Can you imagine our D&D is like 4D3N? In Genting?!
Omg, pretty much bore my ass off during those few days..
The coach ride there is pretty damn unbearable, 6-7 hours goodness.
We departed at around 8am and only reach there at 3-4pm.
Thank god for my Amazon Kindle that kept me entertained for most of the journey,
and the fact that i purposely slept for a miserable 4 hours the previous night so i can get conked out during the journey to genting so it doesn't feel so painfully long!
Here's Melle, who's my "neighbour" in the office and who was gonna be my roomie
for the next 4 days!

Yep, we were staying at First World Hotel, while we were walking through the corridors to get to our room, i was telling Melle that hopefully we won't get a corner room, because they said corner rooms are always haunted and shit?!
And First World Hotel? Definitely heard lots of scary stories about that hotel..
And as we walked down the corridor and .. guess what?
We got a freaking corner room.
I was looking at melle with the WTF face and cursing under my breath. LOL.
It's always like that! don't want then will get it, want then won't get it. !@#$%
Oh wells, turns out to be a blessing in disguise.
Our room is like much much much more spacious than any other rooms my other colleagues got! Much more spacious!
And super cold even when we close the windows and shut the curtains,
the rooms our colleagues got are like in the middle so it's REALLY stuffy
and even a little smelly-ish!
Other than the stupid toilet bowl that wouldn't quit flushing no matter what we do,
or scaring me half to death in the middle of the night when it suddenly overflow and because it sounded like somebody turned on the shower? Lucky for me Melle is really not afraid of such things.. so it was pretty ok.
My previous trip to genting with my ex-colleagues in July it was like,
just a wee bit cold.
But this time it was actually pretty shiok, like average of 13degrees at night!
See, it's so cold it's mad cloudy/misty, it's like that even in the day~

With afew of my colleagues..

Muahaha, then next day after a whole day of awards presentation, we went for AH YI BAO YU for dinner!

mmmm, i want the herbal jelly again, with a whole jar of honey!
Went for breakfast at this dimsum place, it was OK.. not fantastic..
again the food in genting is all just sub standard.. maybe except for the Baskin Robbin's ice cream? i had Red Velvet ice cream and it was super yummy!

Lol, my roomie is super FUNNY and RANDOM LA!
We were camwhoring and suddenly she said,
"let's take a photo that looks like we're so full we're gonna PUKE!!!!"
Lol wtf? who thinks of funny things like this!

Anywaaaaaaays, after that we went back to our room and nua/talk rubbish then we parted ways to go get our makeup done for our D&D. Lol our D&D is 4pm all the way to 12 midnight. Shagged.

This is my makeup and hair after the MUA/Stylist is done with me..
Honestly don't think it's very nice leh, i also can do the same myself!
This is how the top part of my D&D dress looks like:

It's from Morgan & Co, a US designer..
Got it from Ebay and it didn't cost me too much! (:
And how the back of the dress looks...

Camwhore photos!

With Clarice from Finance!

Angie from Marcom like me!
Muahaha, luckily for me, i could do my hair up and style because i have a dance performance later that night, but for the rest they had to go with a green hair style + some peacock feather updo..

Anyway, on my previous post i mentioned that i did extensions because i had a dance performance for D&D right? We're dancing Don't Cha/When I Grow Up by Pussycat dolls.
Really glad that it's over because for the previous month we've been having dance practice almost everynight just for this, especially i'm like the kind who has problems co-ordinating my hands and legs lol, a dance performance is like the biggest nightmare!
Anyway, we had to leave the D&D to go back to the room to change to our dance outfit:

From Left to Right:
Li Sin, Lee Ling, Angie, Yours truly, Kelly & Clarice.

So shy! had to perform in front of 1600 people the people from my department are so super supportive! lol, even the pregnant ladies also whistling and cheering to no end!
Anyway, changed back to our D&D dresses and back to the dinner..

LOL! everyone from the marcom/projects department had the green hair thing, even for the guys.. again.. lucky me!

My marcom GM..

With shirvon from Projects..

And my marcom manager..

Group shoot for HQ Marcom department- Singapore & Malaysia!

Loves, TheLuckiestChick.